Explore Tasmania

East Coast

Click on the above to go to the Explore East Coast.

West Coast

Click on the link above to go explore the West Coast

North West Region

Click on the above image to explore the North West Region.

Hobart and South

Click on the above image to explore Hobart and the South of Tasmania

The above map divides Tasmania into 7 Zones:

  1.  North West – Stanley / Devonport area
  2. North – Launceston / St Helens area 
  3. South East – Bischeno / Port Arthur area
  4. Midlands – Great Lakes area
  5. West – Queenstown / west coast area
  6. South – Kingston / Bruny Island area
  7. Hobart – city and suburbs

The RU24 Committee is applying for a Grant to assist with expenses in running RoundUp.  This Grant is calculated on the number of interstate/overseas visitors coming to Tasmania and the number of nights they stay. 

Your Treasurer’s RU24  Spreadsheet has a section for each member to list where they will be accommodated for all the nights they are in Tasmania. 

If you are unsure of exactly where you will be staying use the zone number listed above to indicate the general area.

Countdown to RoundUp 24

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